Monday, December 6, 2010

Eric Karl Collages

Project Summary:
We started this project by learning about Eric Karl and how he puts his picture books together. Than we were to create our own page out of a story book. We took white paper and added water to the paper, before adding the paint. This allowed the paint to spread and make smooth streaks across the paper. After we were done creating our pages, we let them dry and came back to make our story page use the pages of our collage. If others had left over pages we could use theirs as well. We could choose any character that we wanted for our story page. I chose to use a butterfly because I had a collage of brighter colors and butterflies are one of my favorite animals. We then had to add a line or two of writing to finish creating a page.
This project would be great to use for almost any unit or project. The students could explore their creativity with creating any character for a story setting. I really enjoyed this project because it gave us opportunity and options. We were the artists and we could use and create whatever we wanted to. Students like to have options and like to be able to use their creativity.

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