Monday, December 6, 2010

Painting and Printmaking

Project Summary:
This lesson was done by Kelly Davies and Halima Kringen. They started the lesson by having the class go around the table and reach our hand in paper bags and guess as to what was in the paper bag. Once we had all gotten a chance to feel what inside each bag, we gathered and had a class discussion has to what were in the bags. The teachers then presented a slide show on different textures and how we could use different textures in our projects. We were given different choices on what to use as our main drawing, I chose my name. We were given the primary colors along with black and white. We were allowed to use however many textures we wanted, but we had to use at least three. There were a lot of different texture choices to choose from, most of them were from the bags we had to guess on earlier. We were able to practice using the differentThen we had to use two primary colors, a secondary color, and an intermediate color in our porjects. My intermediate color was blue-green, which is what my name is written in. My primary colors were red and blue, and my secondary color was orange.
An activity to go along with this project is an ice break to do towards the begining of school, where everyone is still trying to get to know each other. The students could then share what colors they used and why, and a fun fact about themselves. After everyone is done sharing, the students could put them on the bulletin board.

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