Monday, December 6, 2010

Starry Night Finger Painting

Project Summary:
This project was started by giving the class background information on Vincent Van Gough. We learned about who he was and about his paintings. Then we were shown his painting of "A Starry Night" and were told that we would be doing a painting like his. We had options to where we could choose a different setting to draw and we could add and change details if we wished. We were told to create smooth movements and to use our hands. We were given only the primary colors to work with and then white or black. We could add white and black to the primary colors if we wanted to. This was so much fun because I never got into finger painting when I was younger so it was fun to get to try it out.
I think a fun activity to do with students is to have them choose an artist they like and then have them create their own version of their favorite painting by the artist. That way the students can share their art and favorite artist with the rest of the class. This also gives them opportunity and options to choose what picture and artist to choose from, but it does have to involve them finger painting their art work.

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