Monday, December 6, 2010

Monochromatic Painting

Project Summary:
This lesson was done by Carrie Schlecht and Kassandra Ewalt. They started the lesson by giving us a choice of either a primary or secondary color and then white and black paint to go with our color of choice. Then the teachers showed us the different between tints and shades and what we had to do to our color to get a tint or a shade. We were given a practice sheet to work with when creating our tins and shades. Tints were created by adding different amounts of white to the organe and shades were created by adding different amounts of black to the organe. After we were done practicing, we were given a bigger sheet of white paper for our project. We were to pick a shape that we wanted to draw, such as square, rectangle, triangle, or diamond. Then we were told to draw as many shapes as we could but the shapes had to be overlapping. After this was done, we were to fill in our shapes with paint using tints and shades. We were to still have one shape filled with the starting color, which was orange, and then to have the other ones consist of shades and tints of orange. The last step was to outline the shapes with a black marker so that it made the shapes bolder.
An activity to do with these paintings is a lesson on shapes with younger children, such as first graders. They can practice drawing shapes and then could possibly do about three or four shapes that are overlapping and have them use two different colors to fill in. Primary and secondary colors would be above their level, but it could still work for younger children when they are learning to draw their shapes.

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