Monday, December 6, 2010

Hidden Safari

Project Summary:
This lesson started off by the teacher asking us what kinds of animals we would see on a Safari. This grabs the student's attention and lets them know that the theme is a Safari. The teacher introduced warm and cool colors. We were going to use one of each to color over our animal. The first thing we did was create our "Ruby" red glasses because we would not be able to see our classmates animals if we didn't have our glasses on. The next thing we did was practice drawing animals. This gave us a chance to get our minds flowing and warm up. The next step was to choose the animal we were giong to draw, we had a few selections that the teacher passed out. The only thing that we didn't know was that we were going to draw the picture upside down. It was nice being able to have the picture of what we're drawing there for us, and to have options. Students love having options! The next step was disguising our animals so that we couldn't see the animal without our glasses. Then everyone in the class was able to present their drawings and the classmates had their glasses on to see if they could tell what animal that person drew.
I think this would be really great to do with a science theme, like Under the Sea. They could draw a sea animal and disguise it and use their glasses to tell which animal the other students have drawn. I had never created or seen something like this done until doing it in class, so it was amazing to see how you could cover up the animals with cool and warm colors.

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