Monday, December 13, 2010

Rainbow Fish

This project was done by myself and Leah Vilhauer. We started this off by presenting a power point and seeing if the students knew the difference between warm and cool colors. We had them take a plain sheet of paper and split the paper so that they had six boxes. Then we had them do some water color techniques to get them used to working with water colors. We had them do a flat wash, graduate wash, wet-in-wet, color resis, and water color crayons. After this was done, we had them choose either warm or cool colors to decorate their backgrounds for their fishes. Then if they chose warm colors for their background, they had to do their fish in cool colors. If they chose cool colors for their background then they had to do their fish in warm colors. They could use either water color crayons or water color paints. They had to choose two different elements and principles of design to use when decorating their background or fish. Then they had to also choose two different water color techniques they learned in this lesson. We had them glue their fishes to their backgrounds once they were dry. We used special water color paper for both the fish and the background because it's easy to work with and dries faster. Once they were finished with their projects, we had them self grade themselves using the rubric we are also going to use to grade their projects. We also had them answer four questions on the back about what warm and cool colors they chose, what elements they used, and what water color techniques they used in their projects. They answered these questions on the back of their rubric.

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