Friday, October 15, 2010

Foot Print Project

Foot Print Project- "Get To Know You"

Project Summary:
This is a project we did as a class as kind of an "ice breaker" and a "get to know you" type of thing. What we did was take a piece of construction paper and cut out either our shoe or footprint. Then we needed to have our name on it, as well as three things that describe us. Here I had a summer scene because summer is my favorite season, a lifeguard tube because I have been a lifeguard for six years, my name is written in pink because it's my favorite color, and then there is a book labeled "The Notebook" because it's one of my favorite books.
This would be a great project to do with older elementary kids, during the first week of school when everything is still new to them. This would give them something creative to do while getting other students involved in what the student who is introducing the footprint is involved in. This project can be done in partners and the other student could get the information and draw a footprint about their partner. I really liked this project and not only could it be used to introduce the students and yourself as a teacher, but it could be used with almost any assignment. You could link it to Enlgish and have them draw three pictures that related to a story and describe why they drew those pictures. You could have this for a science lesson and have them draw three things they learned during the lesson and describe them. It's a very easy project to relate to other content areas and not just art.

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